At ThriveKids™ Academy we value your child’s mind and energy. We make it our first mission to connect with all children when they enter our school until they graduate. We want to know what they enjoy doing most and translate their joys into educational opportunities.
Our connection with your child means they have an equal voice. Frustration and impulsiveness are slowed because your child is safe, heard and trusted to make good decisions. ThriveKids™ Academy helps channel moments where your child is overwhelmed.
20/20/20 Circuit
How It Works: ThriveKids™ Academy 20/20/20 Circuit Scheduling Model
At ThriveKids™ Academy,we foster development through our unique circuit scheduling model. This is based on the building blocks of movement, learning and mindfulness rotated in 20-minute segments.
20 Minutes: Vigorous Exercise
Preparing the mind for learning requires the body to discharge excess and built up energy. At ThriveKids™ Academy, children engage in at least 60 minutes of exercise each day. This drastically improves their ability to learn. Exercise takes place either indoors or outside, weather dependent.
20 Minutes: Learning
At ThriveKids™ Academy, we know the best way for your child to learn is by directing their interests through education. We aim to match your child’s hobbies and innate skills through our STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) programming. Our curriculum offers hands- on learning combined with real world practical modeling so your child can understand how their learning applies in the real world.
We leverage cutting edge learning models such as:
ThriveKids™ Academy is a Toronto District School Board (TDSB) partner.
20 Minutes: Mindfulness & Anxiety Relief
Mental and physical health are deeply linked. ThriveKids™ Academy is a healthy and safe environment for your child to relax and participate in mindful activities such as yoga, meditation or to simply sit and experience quiet. We teach your child to go inward and access their inner self. Establishing this practice in your young child helps them become open to new ideas, build confidence in themselves and use their own voice.
At ThriveKids™ Academy, all students, from Kindergarten to Grade 8, wear the school uniform. The uniform promotes unity amongst our community and school spirit when representing our school in the various functions we participate in. It also demonstrates the students’ respect and readiness for learning. Everyday, school uniform consists of our comfortable and breathable white cotton ThriveKids™ tshirts, navy or black pants or shorts and running shoes.