ThriveKids™ Academy offers a range of varied programs to educate and inspire our students! Donations and sponsorship opportunities can further enhance this experience, making learning more accessible and engaging, teaching new skills and providing various mediums for children to communicate through.
We not only hope to enhance our programming but to strengthen the connections between our school and the larger community. Your contribution benefits our students while connecting you to an audience who shares your values of community, sustainability and joyful learning. Our integrated platform heightens your visibility, while emphasizing your enthusiasm for this unique education.
Whether its technology, classroom supplies, books or funds, we could use your help. If you can offer any educational resources or the any of the items below, please click on the donation link.
[donation link coming soon]

Volunteer / Guru Mentor Program
Do you have a career you are proud to share? This program is designed to educate children about jobs and adult life. It introduces students to a variety of jobs, connects children’s learning in school with success in the world of work and challenges stereotypes around ethnic background/gender.
This is a one-hour commitment for however many weeks suit you, supported by both class teacher and teaching assistant to plan and carry out the session. Make an enormous impact by sharing your life experiences with an impressionable young person today!